Drama Society
The University of Manchester Drama Society prides itself on its inclusive nature, high standards of talent and friendliness.
This society is for anyone with an interest in drama, be that acting, directing, writing, film making, costume, set building, stage managing or just watching. We aim to encourage a love of theatre within the student community and beyond.
It is one of the largest societies in the Student Union, so by joining you have the opportunity to meet and work with many like minded and enthusiastic people. The society has links with many of Manchester’s best theatrical venues, including the Contact theatre and the Royal Exchange theatre and every summer the society puts on a play at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
The society also organise the Manchester-In-Fringe-Theatre-Festival in the second semester, where Manchester gets transformed into one big theatre with up to 12 plays being performed in 3 weeks! We'd love everyone to get involved, so come along to one of our productions and see what we are all about!
Find out more:
Contact the Society Chair on: umudramachair@hotmail.com or the Secretary on: umudrama@hotmail.com